I’ve made some revisions to our homeschooling schedule *which I figured I would probably do after I had some time to mull it and or school plans over*. The boys are usually up at 7am so I’m going to make use of that time in-between when they wake up and breakfast. Also our math work includes a morning meeting, and we also are going to start various other items that can be done during the time we do our morning meeting. So those things will take place at the dining room table after breakfast and then we will go right into outdoor time.
I figured this would allow our day to flow a little easier, since we wouldn’t have to be constantly going up and down the stairs. With this schedule we will start our days downstairs and then move upstairs to the classroom when it’s time to get into the heavy things for the day. Then we will head back downstairs to finish out our “school” day.
On Fridays our day will more than likely be spent at the dining room table, so we can get out the door right after our Japanese studies, and head to our enrichment activity for that day. I’m leaning towards our Sex Ed being very informal. More likely done while the boys eat their snack on the couch. That way they are more relaxed and we can have discussions instead of me just telling them things.
I’m also changing our start date. I had planned to wait until September, but honestly we are all eager to get started with all the awesome supplies we have now. The Spouse has also had some work things come up, which will impact some plans we had for the fall. So we are just going to start early, and take our planned fall break when things fall into place to allow it.
July will mark the start of our new “school” year. It will be more of a run through though. I’m not expecting the first few days *or even weeks* to be smooth. So I’m not shooting to have this schedule down as part of our routine until August. By that point I want our day to run as smoothly as possible, with our schedule being a natural part of our day.
We are the type of people who need schedules and routines, so hopefully this one will make life a lot easier.
Weekly Schedule *Monday-Thursday*
7am: Get up and get dressed
730am: Eat Breakfast
8am: Morning Meeting (Math meeting book, Science notebook, Weekly poem, Weekly virtue)
830am: Outdoor time
9am: Handwriting, Language Arts, and Daily Reader
10am: Break
1130am: Lunch
12pm: Quiet Time
130pm: Art/Music and Snack
2pm: Math/Science
230pm: History & Geography/Social Studies
3pm: Done
Weekly Schedule *Friday*
7am: Get up and get dressed
730am: Eat Breakfast
8am: Morning Meeting (Math meeting book, Science notebook, Weekly poem, Weekly virtue)
830am: Language Arts
9am: Japanese Studies
930am: Enrichment/Field Trip/Free Play
12pm: Lunch
1230pm: Quiet Time
130pm: Sexual Education and Snack
2pm: Done
For those curious about the Sex Ed materials we will be using you can click HERE. I’m also hoping to have the Waldorf post up by the end of the week. It will mark the fifth post in the Method to the Madness series. Only three more post after that and then we will unveil what method to our madness we will use.
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