We accomplished a lot this week, but did not get everything that was planned done, such is the life of a homeschooler. Things don’t always get finished when you planned, but we are able to get to them the following week. On Thursday we enjoyed having The Spouse home with us, so we didn’t do any school that day, which put us behind in some of our lessons. On Friday we started to experience the rain that never seemed to end, which prevented us from going out and finding something to explore. Instead of exploring the outdoors, we explored books inside the comfort of our warm home. One of the books we enjoyed was Ten Apples Up On Top!, which Child #1 read to all of us while we enjoyed a snack. It is always so wonderful to hear him read, he is getting even better at it with each passing day.
Now onto our upcoming week:
Monday: Lesson 4 in First Language Lessons
Three lessons in Saxon Math 1
Continued talk on Dinosaurs
Tuesday: Lesson 5 in First Language Lessons
Three lessons in Saxon Math 1 *this will bring us up to date so we can finish up our “school year” when we originally planned, allowing us a much needed break.
Discuss Modern Mythology *when I say modern mythology I mean the mythology of present day religions*.
Wednesday: Lesson 6 in First Language Lessons
Two math lessons in Saxon Math 1
Play Date
Finish up our discussions on Dinosaurs
Thursday: Lesson 7 in First Language Lessons
Two math lessons in Saxon Math 1
Finish up our discussion on Mythology *books we are currently reading will be read until we have finished them*.
Friday: Two math lessons from Saxon Math 1
Possible Field Trip
What Can We Do to Stop Conspiracy Theories?
20 hours ago